Portuguese Water Dogs

PWD are very active for the first year or so of their lives. They are also a very intelligent dog, so need training and much socialization with everything in their new world. The PWD is a strong, mid sized, agile dog with stamina and endurance to do a full days work. Its non-shedding hair grows just as human hair does, with no undercoat. The coat can be curly or wavy. The colors are black, white, as well as tones of brown; also combos of these. The coat can be clipped two ways. In the Retriever Clip, the entire coat is clipped to one inch, with the end of the tail left long. In the Lion Clip, the hindquarters and muzzle are clipped short, the end of the tail , coat on the head, neck forequarters & chest is left long.

The breed is loyal, affectionate, energetic, intelligent family companion and watchdog which thrives on and demands human attention. The life expectancy of the average PWD is 12 to 15 years. They tend to mature slowly and remain active well into their senior years.

Mature size of the PWD males is 20-23 inches at the shoulder, Females fall into the range of 17-21 inches. –There is a large variance of weight, but standard for males is 42 to 60 pounds; while females are 35 to 50 pound adults. We do find most of ours in the 50-60 pounds range.

What Our Clients are Saying!

We are so happy to have found Heartland Classics and Barb! We brought home our two Wheatens a few weeks ago and are thrilled with their ready ability to socialize with us, our friends, and the great...

Patrick and Gail Shaw | Read More

We just recently picked up our new Wheaten pup. She is in good health and the vet said she is well bred and in excellent health. We had such a great experience with our "Sassy" that we strongly urge...

Chris Jackson | Read More

As we approach the 1 year birthday of our Cavaton Scooby (formerly Peyton) I would like to say thank you to Barb and her staff. I researched dog breeds for nearly two years before deciding on a...

Pamela Hartwig | Read More

Cassie is wonderful. She couldn't make me happier. She is my first dog. When my daughter got married, I found myself alone and lonely. I researched dogs that were good in apartments, not because I...

Sharon Torrano | Read More

We got our SCWT a little over a month ago and he has fit into our little family so well. He knows he is the cutest little boy and is the center of attention any where we go. Working with barb on...

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Barb - I wanted to take a moment to thank you for bringing Bianca our Red Standard Poodle into our life. She is now 4 1/2 months old and a complete joy. From the moment we saw her picture online we...

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