We do welcome you to visit us whether you are near or from afar.
You are welcome to come on site to view the puppies and the parents with an appointment. Outsiders are never allowed into our biosecure kennel itself as it is environmentally controlled, sanitized, and a place of relaxation for those inside with small babies.
Yes. In most cases we appreciate a 24 hour notice in order to have everyone freshly groomed and ready to be loved on. Other times, we are able to fit in appointments on the spur of the moment.
I allow about 60 minutes per appointment so we have plenty of time to visit and ask questions.
We do take Sundays off for church and family. We are also closed on holidays. However, we are open for appointments Monday thru Friday as well as Saturday mornings. We begin our days early and so early visits are fine. I always try to be with my family in the evenings, but do accept advance appointments as needed to fit your family as well. The earlier in the day ~ the better for me.
Of course entire families are welcome. We do ask that visiting children remain seated on the floor when holding puppies. Far too many times we have had both children and adults allow a puppy to slip out of their arms and fall to the ground. The safety of our babies is of great importance.
We do ask that all members of your party stay with you to complete your visit. Roaming is considered trespassing.
No. We apologize for this inconvenience, but we are forced to bring families into our own personal homes to use the restroom in emergency situations. We ask that you stop off before your arrival at one of the many mini marts or restaurants on your way. Hand sanitizer is always available.
No. We apologize for any inconvenience this may bring about. Due to the spread of germs from outside contact for our precious babies (soon to be your baby) it is just too great of risk. We are a biosecure environment. This is the same reason we are not and do not wish to be licensed to be a boarding/training kennel.
If you do bring along your canine friend, we ask that they do not get out of your vehicle to eliminate on the property.
909 Hwy 32
Oakland, NE 68045
Phone: 685-5401
Just 1/4 mile west of Hwys 77 & 32 intersection. 11 spacious rooms; newly built and beautifully furnished. Allows you to stay in comfort. Reasonably priced, too!
This is just seven miles (ten minutes) from our home.
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