After Ten Years

After ten years I am compelled to email you. to refresh your memory, we were looking for joy and happiness after we had lost everything in an f4 tornado in 2004. I discovered Coton de Tulears on Google and became fascinated with the breed. You helped me name her Whirlwind Blessings of Zoe. I believe you shared she was the first Coton that had stayed in Nebraska. Barb, I can't express what a blessing she is to me and our family. Zoe loves everyone and has such a loving personality and gentle spirit. She even morphs her personality to adjust to which person she is playing with. She is nothing but love, kisses and snuggles with my daughters and I, but ramps up and "rough houses" it a bit with my husband and son. She is such a pleaser and so very smart. Since 2008, I have been a virtual employee and work from home. Zoe is my constant companion. I would be so lonely without her. She "works" beside me each and every day and knows my every move. I cannot believe that 10 years have gone by and I am already beginning to fret a bit about what I will do when we loose her. Honestly, she is my fourth child - that is how much I love my girl. Keep doing what you do. It changes lives and brings immense joy beyond measure. Jody Hallam Nebraska

- Jody Joregensen

What Our Clients are Saying!

We lost our Wheaten Terrier after 13 years of companionship. Heartland Classics just happened to have a new litter. We arranged to buy one and found that Heartland was very professional and caring....

George & Linda Geisler | Read More

I have wanted a Wheaten Terrier for years & once the timing was right I started to search out a puppy. After trying local sources in NC I took my search online. I came across Heartland Classic's...

Michlle Sims | Read More

I waited a while to leave a review. Hopefully, some will find this reassuring regarding the health of the dogs at Heartland Classics. Our male Coton puppy was the runt of the litter and was born...

Suzy P | Read More

We received Teddy, our 12 week old Coton, on Valentine's Day 2014. We have now had him for two weeks, and he has already brought us much joy. We could not have asked for a better puppy and owe many...

Erin and Preston Mesick | Read More

As someone who has only ever had Airedales my entire life moving to Wheaten Terrier was a bit of a challenging departure, but I can honestly say it is a choice that I have never regretted from the...

Greg Gilbert | Read More

I wanted to give Barb and Heartland Classics a huge thank you. Our SCWT Logan (Monte) is an amazing dog. We got him for our daughter's 16th birthday gift and we are all so in love him. We got him in...

Heather Portanova | Read More