La mejor opinión

Quiero compartir la mejor opinión de Heartland Classics y especialmente de Barb. Tuve una muy mala experiencia hace dos años tratando de comprar un perro y esta vez tenía miedo. Con Barb todo es fácil y claro. Soy mexicana, vivo en la Ciudad de México y ella me ayudó mucho a encontrar la mejor forma de traer a una perrita para acá. No tuve ningún problema para pasar la aduana, con los papeles que Barb me hizo llegar. Altamente recomendable. Qué decir de la perrita, una belleza.

- Leticia Fierro

What Our Clients are Saying!

This review is long overdue, but it is another glowing one for Barb and Heartland. My F1b goldendoodle Bentley was born on 5/2/15 at 12 ounces. He is now 10 months and weighs 65 pounds. At our first...

Ginger Riffel | Read More

We purchased a Coton from Barb and she arrived 2 days ago. We live in Ohio and we were a little nervous buying a puppy from someone we couldn't visit. We are amazed what a well behaved puppy arrived!...

Annie Penn | Read More

We drove from Salt Lake City, Utah to Nebraska August, 2013 to purchase our wheaten girl, Sidney. She is now seven months old, and the perfect mischievous addition to our home! She stops to happily...

Trent Grable | Read More

We have had our little"Riley" for 6 months and he has been wonderful from the first day! He was easy to house train and loves meeting people and other dogs. Barb and her husband sent us pictures...

Chuck Wilhelm | Read More

Tinkerbell, our new Goldendoodle, is amazing. One trip to Heartland Classics will show you how much love and attention these fur babies get! Tink, has fit right in, well adjusted, and a fantastic...

Sean Rich | Read More

I am first time dog owner and purchased a Coton zhu a couple weeks ago. She is sweet, adorable and in good health and we could not be happier. Barb and Heartland Classics took care of everything...

Alison Kutler | Read More