Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Braxton (now Fergus)

What a lucky find to have come across and Barb. I will preface this review by saying that I am a huge fan of all terriers. I think they epitomize the word DOG. They're fearless, loyal, stubborn sometimes, smart beyond reason, easy to train, hard to train(yes BOTH!), sweet, great companions and an all around joy to have in your life. Having reached a point in my life where I found myself without a dog, and more than ready to do it again, I researched and settled upon the Wheaten breed as a good fit for me (and me for the dog as well). After weeks of looking over the 'puppy want ads' both locally and online, I stumbled on and knew immediately that I had found a good strong possibility for a breeder. I read their story, looked at pictures, read some more (looked at more pictures) and finally just called to talk to the PERSON. I didn't speak to Barb for more than a few minutes on the phone (and after that a couple of quick e-mails to nail down a time to pick the puppy up), but I really didn't need to being that the website is one of the best, most informative websites I've ever come across for a breeder. And when I did speak to her, she was very knowledgeable and willing to answer questions, probably would've given me the entire back story of the breed had I asked her to, or at least sent me to the right place on the website to find it! The day I got Fergus, he was ready to go, decked out and waiting in the front room for us. He immediately started jumping around and backing away with his little behind up in the air (Barbs husband David told us right away, that's just the breed and how they are) and then commenced licking faces and melting hearts. All of the paperwork was ready to be signed, David walked me through everything necessary and then even sold me one of the water bottles I was having trouble finding anywhere else locally (at a really, really good price) and then sent us on our way, with a final message of 'feel free to call or e-mail any time with questions or if you're having any troubles'. Since I've had him home, Fergus has been every little thing I'd hoped for in a new companion. Smart, energetic, inquisitive, healthy, completely social, and doesn't leave my side at home. Very much a class(ic) act!

- Brian Haan

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